Mesothelioma Online services | mesothelioma guide, information and tips

The other World Wide Web sites on cancer listed here are valuable sources of detailed information on cancer. They use more technical terms, longer 'pages' and fewer images than CancerHelp UK. They are therefore useful for people who want to know more detail about particular cancers than we provide. Most sites come from America.

When you go to any of these sites you will be leaving CancerHelp UK. To return to CancerHelp UK you will need to use the BACK button or arrow at the top of your screen.

British Thoracic Society
This organisation is a professional body for respiratory specialists.  The website has information about lung cancers and the investigations commonly used to diagnose lung cancers.  It also has the BTS guidelines for the management of mesothelioma, published in 2001.  Please note: this material is written for medical professionals and you may find the information written in a blunt and factual way. 

The June Hancock Mesothelioma Research Fund
This organisation raises money for research into mesothelioma treatment.  Their website has some useful information about the financial and legal aspects of mesothelioma, including claiming state benefits.

National Cancer Institute
This link will take you to the American National Cancer Institute's patient information on malignant mesothelioma. It is detailed and comprehensive but there are no images.

Occupational and Environmental Diseases Association

This is a UK organisation that has been involved in promoting compensation for asbestos related diseases for many years.  The site has information on mesothelioma and on benefits and compensation claims.
This is a free, web-based support network where you can get in touch with other people who have the same cancer type as you or your relative or friend.  Just click the link, choose 'C' for cancer and choose the cancer type you are interested in from the list.  You can join the network and post a message asking other people to contact you through the site.  The network is safe and confidential.  People can only contact you through – they will not be given your email address.